Fishing on the Provo and Weber River has been fantastic these last couple of weeks. Fishing should continue to be good through out the summer. PMD’S and Sow Bugs are working well on both rivers. Nyphming has been the best approach .
Author: reports
Summer Fly-Fishing
Water flows are starting to come down slowly on the middle and lower Provo, while the Weber River is already at normal flows and fishing good. PMD Nymphs, Sow Bugs, Stone Flies and Midges are working well on the Weber River. Lower and Middle Provo are very sporadic. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks the fishing picks as the flows continue to drop.
Late Spring Fly-Fishing
Water flows are high on the Middle and Lower Provo and will continue to rise through June. Fishing can still be good in slower water along the banks. Our Guides have been using Sow Bugs, San Juan worms and some PMD nymphs. The Weber River Located 15 min from Park City, UT is still at low river flows. Nymphs are working well using caddies, midges and mayflies.
Fly Fishing park City Utah Guides
The Blue Wing Olive and Midge Hatch has been fantastic this spring. Rainbows and Brown Trout ranging in size from 16-22 inches where being caught on a regular basis. We are just around the conner from spring run off. This summer should provide for some quality fishing as well.
Spring Fly-Fishing
The blue wing olives are out in full force on the Lowe Provo river. Ranging in colors from brown, gray and olive, sizes 18-22. Nyphms are working well also. Ranging in color black, olive, brown and gray, sizes 18-22.
Winter Fly Fishing: Provo River.
Lower provo River has been fishing good with small midge larva and sow bugs, ranging in size from 18-22.
Middle Provo River is also fishing good right now with buffalo midges hatching in mid afternoon, sizes 18-20. Color, gray, black and brown. nymphing is also good with midge larva. Sizes 18-26.
Winter Fly Fishing Report
Lower Provo: has been fishing good in the last month. with orange sow bugs and orange midge patterns.
Middle Provo: is also fishing good with small midge patterns both dry and nymph. Sizes 22-26. Black, Orange, Red and Rust colors.
Fall Fly Fishing Report
The middle provo is fishing really good right now with blue wing olives hatching in the afternoon and pale morning duns. Dry fly fishing has been consistent and should continue through October. Sizes 18-22 colors olive, gray, and pale yellow.
Fly Fishing Park City Utah Guides
The middle Provo River is still fishing good. Dry flies in the afternoon using Pale Morning Patterns sizes 18-22. Fish can be caught all day with Nymphs. Midge patterns and Pale Morning duns sizes 18-22 . colors,black midges and Gray. PMDS yellow, brown and olive colors work well.
Middle Provo Fishing Report
The Middle Provo is fishing good right now. Small PMD nymphs sizes 20-22 and Caddias Larva sizes 18-20 are working well right know. Dry fly action is best on cloudy days.