Water levels on the Weber between Rockport and Echo are at 418CFS. The Mother’s Day Caddis are finishing up for the year. Looking forward to the PMD Hatch and other species of caddis will come off throgh out the summer. For those of you who want more solitude the Weber is a great alternative. Sow bugs, small midges, beatis, and some cased caddis are your best nymphs this time of year. Try a streamer early or during the overcast days.
Author: reports
Salt Lake City Fishing Report Small Streams 06-05-2018
Utahs Small Streams.There are quite a few Green Drakes and Stone Fly Nymphs on the Strawberry River right now. They should start to hatch in the next couple of weeks. The Duchane River and Current Creek should follow right behind.Utah had a low water year, so the hatches should be awesome this summer.
Lower Provo Fishing Report Early Summer 06-02-2018
Lower Provo River Fished well today. Darrick caught quite of mid size Brown Trout and some Rainbows. PMDS nymphs, Sow Bug and Caddis Larva work well.
Fly Fishing Report Park City Middle Provo 06-01-2018
The middle Provo River fished well today. Size 20 pmd nymphs and size 18 soft hackled sow bugs, rainbow in color. Both clients landed over 20 fish combined. We are still a month away from green drakes hatching. Until then, nymphing should continue to be good.